Saturday, April 10, 2010


two buds on the same vine
reaching for the sky together
wind, rain, snow may fall
no matter . . .
strength comes from the common stem
for one at least . . .
the healing sun caresses the flowers
one opens
reaching out to embrace the golden day
the other clutches tighter into its folded petals
too hot
it will hurt
open petals
you've changed


  1. This is a great poem! Poetry, in my opinion, is the hardest of any writing. I've only written about ten poems in my lifetime that I thought were worthy of sharing.

    I didn't know you were a writer, too. Very cool!

    And I love the name of your blog!

  2. Why, thank you, sir! I enjoy writing poetry but have to be in the right frame of mind for it, and then it just flows, usually free verse like this.

    As Rick is fond of saying, I'm not a writer. However, I do have a lot of stories and a LOT to say, so who knows?

  3. What I MEANT is that Rick thinks he isn't a writer (but he is).

  4. No wonder my ears were burning. I don't know what to say so I will draw a fish.


    Who's up for sushi?
